Saturday, June 4, 2011

Funds performance

Assalamualaikum dear readers,

So, you must be really wanting to know how the funds are really doing, ie what is the actual return that those Public Mutual investors earned?
Let's take a look at Public Mutual fund past performance for long, medium & 1 year period.

Fund: Public Ittikal Fund

10 years return: 234.45%!
please see here for performance chart.

5 years return: 74.96%!
please see here for performance chart.

1 year return: 23.04%!
please see here for performance chart.

So, you can see here, the return is actually way far more higher than fix deposit,any other mutual fund company or any savings account.

We cannot assure you a fixed amount of return for a certain period since this is a fair game of investment that would go as much as the economy could go.

But we have the actual data of the past performance as a benchmark to help you evaluate, estimate, project and calculate your financial goal.

You may have your own analysis on the actual performance of our funds via this link :

So, we are saying, for a certain given period of time, if you could get more average return per year than the current investment you are investing in, you could achieve your financial goal faster!

Did u get what i mean?

Person A & B having a shared goal to have 50K by saving RM300 per month.
Person A investing in company C which has average return 8% per year.
while person B investing in company D which has average return 15% per year.

Person A manage to get his 50K by the end of 10th year, while person B accomplish his goal in only 7 years time.

Thus, you choose!

Last but not least, a word of wisdom to be pondered upon:
You've been working so hard for money. So pay yourself FIRST before paying anyone else! 
Saving, saving, saving! 

Happy saving =)

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